NPT LNP Terms of Reference
For the purposes of the Neath Port Talbot Local Nature Partnership, ‘nature’ shall mean all living organisms and the ecological complexes (including non-living elements and processes) of which they are part. It includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems; the resilience of ecosystems; the services they provide to society and the way in which humans interact with nature.
1.0 Purpose
The Neath Port Talbot Local Nature Partnership will:
Co-ordinate, promote and record existing and new actions to conserve, promote and enhance nature in Neath Port Talbot, taking account of local and national priorities and keeping the terms of reference set out below.
The Partnership will seek to achieve its aims by:
1.1Promoting partnership working between key organisations and individuals that protect and enhance nature in Neath Port Talbot. This will include networking and sharing best practice to promote efficient delivery of actions across partner organisations.
1.2To gather information relevant to the conservation of species and habitats in the Neath Port Talbot area, to formulate plans (“the Local Nature Recovery Action Plan”) from the national and local priorities identified in the Nature Recovery Plan, State of Natural Resources Report and Area Statements to effect conservation, and to deliver actions identified in the LNRAP.
1.3Involving key partners and stakeholders in the development and implementation of Local Nature Recovery Plans for the Partnership through the establishment of working groups and consultation with other existing groups.
1.4To make recommendations for the review of local practices for forestry, agriculture, mineral extraction, industry, business, tourism, parks and other local Council land, etc. in order to look for opportunities to enhance the potential for wildlife.
1.5Supporting the development of projects undertaken by individual organisations that are contributing to the aims of the Partnership and developing new projects to address local priorities.
1.6Monitoring the delivery of nature recovery actions, evaluating progress towards implementation of local plans and revising them as necessary.
1.7Identifying opportunities for integrating the conservation, promotion and enhancement of nature into other policy areas, plans and projects throughout Neath Port Talbot
1.8To link in with regional and national plans, policy and action, as appropriate e.g. Well-Being Plans and Area Statements).
1.9To provide an advisory function on the subject of the state of nature and nature recovery in Neath Port Talbot and, wherever possible, take an evidence-based approach to facilitate this i.e. through presence on strategic steering groups and advice to community councils etc.
2.0 Status
The Partnership is a collaborative forum and has no standing as a legal entity.
The Partnership will have no authority over any of the functions, duties or responsibilities of the member organisations.
Each partner is jointly and equally empowered to establish and implement actions to deliver the aims of these plans in partnership with the others.
The Partners will exercise their functions so as to secure compliance with the requirements of all relevant legislation and policy e.g. UN Convention on Biological Diversity (1992), Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) as amended, Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act (2015), Environment (Wales) Act (2016), Nature Recovery Action Plan (Wales) and Action Plan for Pollinators (Wales).
3.0 Membership
The membership of the Partnership will comprise committed volunteers, local nature experts, voluntary and public bodies, agencies and owners of locally significant natural habitats in Neath Port Talbot.
Members of the Forum are entitled to become members of the charity Neath Port Talbot Biodiversity Action.
4.0 Administration, Finance and Employment
One of the Partners will act as host organisation [this is currently Neath Port Talbot Council] and will take responsibility for employment of any staff and administration of any assets or core funds on behalf of the Partnership.
The host organisation will maintain a mailing list with which to inform LNP members of news and events concerning biodiversity in Neath Port Talbot. We will not circulate private sector jobs due to the potential for conflicts of interest with members of the LNP. Privacy Policy.
Where individual partners take the lead on a project they will resource the project with the appropriate staff, equipment, finance etc. and may administer project – specific funds under the banner of the Partnership if necessary. They will ensure completion of the project and its timely reporting.
Routine matters such as sign off of new or revised plans, funding matters and direction of the work of any person employed will be delegated to a Steering Group drawn from the key organisational members to include representatives from Neath Port Talbot Council, Natural Resources Wales, SEWBReC, one non-governmental organisation and one community group/ unaffiliated member, plus the chair of the LNP.
A Chairperson and Vice-Chair for the LNP will be elected by members annually.
If the Partnership terminates and there are funds or assets in the name of the Partnership these will be transferred to a member organisation continuing the project or return to the original funders.
5.0 Decision Making and Partner Responsibilities
Roles and Responsibilities of All Partners:
The Partners agree to work together to deliver effective action to conserve and enhance nature in Neath Port Talbot, making best use of available resources through collaborative action.
To further the aims of the Partnership as a whole, and not just the aims of individual partner organisations.
To assist the Partnership Steering Group in determining annual priorities for the Partnership work programme.
To promote, implement and report on actions contributing to the aims of local plans.
Identify projects which member organisations can undertake or contribute to in order to meet the aims of local plans and disseminate this information within the member organisation.
To identify resources (financial or in-kind) which member organisations can contribute to assist in delivering core administration of the Partnership or specific nature recovery projects.
To report on progress through the Partnership’s officer.
Frequency of Meetings and Quorum
The Steering Group will communicate as necessary in person or via email.
There should be a minimum of 3 members of the steering group present in order to be quorate. Decisions will be made by consensus where possible, or by simple majority. The Chair will hold a casting vote in the event of a tied decision.
There will be an opportunity for the full Partnership to meet at least six times a year. Additional meetings may be held as resources permit at the discretion of the Steering Group.
Recommendations at full Partnership meetings should be made by consensus where possible, or by simple majority. The Partnership’s Officer should endeavour to draw relevant agenda items to the attention of relevant members to ensure adequate opportunity for expert representation at meetings on specific topics. The Chair will hold a casting vote in the event of a tied decision.
Working groups will meet as necessary under the direction of the Steering Group and will comprise sufficient members to ensure delivery of the group’s aims with the best knowledge and expertise available locally.
The Partnership Officer can invite other organisations or individuals to attend meetings in an advisory capacity as appropriate.
Any potential conflict of interest a member has in an agenda item must be declared at the beginning of the meeting. They may be asked to leave the meeting whilst this item is being discussed.
6.0 Equal Opportunities and Data Protection
All individuals / groups / businesses working with the Neath Port Talbot Local Nature Partnership will be assessed on their involvement with nature recovery actions alone, without distinction of gender, sexual orientation, race or of political, religious or other opinions. The Partnership will recognise and respond to issues of language, disability, race, gender, age and culture.
If sensitive information is discussed at meetings (for example regarding protected species) it will only be passed to members on a need to know basis and regarded as strictly confidential.
Notwithstanding 6.1 & 6.2 (above) the Partnership Officer must comply with the relevant policies of the host organisation.
[i] Neath Port Talbot Council is currently the host organisation.